Two days of work and sharing to effectively start the two-year project, with important cultural, social, business spin-offs.
The Kick-Off Meeting of the Be-WoodEN project was held in Genoa on February 27-28. Two days of intense and fruitful work, where the complementarity of the Partners allowed for an open and in-depth discussion on the ambitious goals of the project.
The Meeting was opened by three important institutional speeches.
The welcome by the Rector of the University of Genoa, Prof. Federico Delfino and by Prof. Laura Gaggero, Deputy Rector for Research clearly indicated the strategic importance of the project for its cultural, social and human capital growth implications.
Piedad Rivas Lopez, LIFE Project Adviser of the CINEA agency, reiterated the agency's support for the success of the project, particularly fostering the relationship with other EU projects complementary to Be-WoodEN.
Solène Goutron (NEB at JRC) and Erminia Sciacchitano (Italian NEB National Contact Point) They indicated the New European Bauhaus (NEB) guiding principles as the cornerstones for the development of well-building.

Work continued with a detailed workplan, which will ensure the involvement of stakeholders throughout the duration of the project: professionals, architects, designers, artists, creative people, social scientists and citizens are called upon to collaborate in the development of new initiatives oriented towards social housing.
On the second day, the project was presented at an institutional press conference in Imperia, at the local headquarters of ARTE, the Liguria Region's social housing development agency.
Partners were able to visit the project's pilot site: a residential building which - duly renovated - will host 18 lonely or frail elderly people. The project will recover the building's outdoor areas, fostering its integration with the city.