LIFE Wood for Future
LIFE20 CCM/ES/001656
The LIFE Wood For Future project aims to be a key instrument for the recovery of poplar plantations, to halt their replacement with intensively-grown herbaceous crops. The ultimate objective is to provide the forestry sector with tools that guarantee a sustainable supply of local wood to industry, leading to the generation of certified high-quality wood. This will also enhance the provision of numerous environmental services, including the capture of much more CO2 to mitigate against climate change; improved water, air and soil quality; and increased biodiversity. The project team will help industry to develop new structural bioproducts, which will be commercialised and used in a demonstration building as an example of sustainable construction.
LIFE Wood for Future Consortium: Universidad de Granada, COSE (Confederación de Organizaciones de Selvicultores de España), DIPGRA(Diputación Provincial de Granada), UNIVERSIDADE DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, 3EDATA (3edata ingeniería ambiental sl)

Frugal cities through Energy Efficiency and Low-tech communities FEEL
Interreg Europe 2021-2027
Frugal cities through Energy Efficiency and Low-tech communities will test and develop Frugal City approaches in 8 European cities and regions. Project partners will apply the principles of energy sufficiency in schemes to renovate older housing, enhance biodiversity, improve services & engage their communities.
They will cooperate over these two challenges:
• Developing the frugal approach: ultra-simple solutions, sufficiency, and community engagement.
• Transitioning to the frugal city: business model; public acceptance and adoptionEach project-partner will already be moving down this path, but in different ways.
Through FEEL they will improve their planning through inter-regional learning.
FEEL Consortium: Local Climate and Energy Agency of South Brittany, Cork City Council (Comhairle Cathrach Chorcaí), BistritaMunicipality, Frederikshavn Municipality, Liguria Region, Valencia Climate and Energy Foundation, Mazovia Energy Agency, North Sweden Energy Agency, Energy Cities.

BIG4LIFE (Building-integrated Greenery): Collaborative xeriscaping-based maintenance and monitoring in Mediterranean cities
The general objective of the BIG4LIFE project is to demonstrate that it is possible to guarantee positive service life, and optimal and continuous provision of ecosystem services, through the application of appropriate collaborative strategies for the management, maintenance, and impact monitoring and evaluation of Building-Integrated Greenery (BIG) systems. The BIG4LIFE project will focus on the Mediterranean climate.
BIG4LIFE Consortium: Universidad de Lleida, Sempergreen BV, Università degli Studi di Genova, Hellenic Open University, Solucions Eixverd SL, Consorci Centre de Ciencia I Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya, TEB Verd SCCL, Verdtical Ecosistema SL.

Promotion and Enhancement of Forest System through different Ecosystem Services aimed to increased Carbon Stock
LIFE19 CCM/IT/001201
The objective of the LIFECO2PES&PEF project was to promote and support the forestry ecosystems in CO2 storage and prevent fire and windthrow risks by:
- Identifying a set of ecosystem services and assessing their benefits;
- Improving forestry and forest-based industry systems;
- Creating an ecosystem credit to finance the same ecosystem services.
The actions implemented had both an environmental and socio-economic impact on interested territories.
LIFE CO2 PES&PEF Consortium: Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – SSSUP, Consorzio Comunalie Parmensi, FederlegnoArredo, Legambiente, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Emilia-Romagna Region, Union of Municipalities of Romagna Forlivese (UCRF), University of Milan.

BauhausingEurope - Beautiful, sustainable, together: validation of the New European Bauhaus approach for the reimagination of public buildings as boosting projects for the transformation of their neighbourhoods.
The main objective of the LIFEBauhausingEurope project is to boost the ecological transition of European communities by applying the NEB approach to the renovation of public buildings and spaces. It is focused on a neighbourhood level to successfully appeal to citizens as the most effective way to address climate change, the energy crisis and the lack of resources.
BauhausingEurope Consortium: Eurovertice Consultores SL, Grad Verazdin City of Varazdin, Hrvatski Savjet za Zelenu Grandnju, Razvojna Agencija Sjever-Dan Drustvo Za Usluge Privlacenja Investicija Stvaranje Radnih Mjesta Izradu Projekata Za Privlacenje Sredstava Fondova Eu I Obrazovanje Doo, Ayuntamiento de Cartagena, Ayuntamiento de Blanca, Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena, Budapest Fovaros VII Kerulet Erzsebetvaros Onkormanyzata, Pro Progressione Kulturalis Nonprofit Kozhasznu KFT, Adazu Novada Pasvaldiba, EKodoma.

More LIFE to LEVELs - Learning from the experience of bringing Level(s) to real Life
More LIFE to LEVELs proposes to gain a rigorous, harmonised and thorough understanding of how the Level(s) Framework is applied in different building typologies across Europe.
More LIFE to LEVELs Consortium: Green Building Council-Espana Consejo para la Edification Sostenible-Espana, Ogni GMBH, Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Nachhaltiges Bauen-Dgnb Ev, Green Building Council Denmark.