October 2024 - March 2025
Wood and bio-based materials in construction offer environmental benefits throughout the building life cycle. These benefits can be harnessed to support the supply chain, enhance building appeal, and boost the territory's attractiveness.
This task focuses on developing a local supply chain using a New European Bauhaus (NEB) approach, with the aim to define a green business model able to give benefits to the wood and biobased material supply chain in terms of additional financial resources, qualification, image and sustainability.
Key valorisation tools include environmental certifications (PEFC, FSC, EMAS, ISO14001), eco-labels (ISO14067, EU Ecolabel), building certifications (Lead), voluntary carbon credits market, forest agreements, chain of custody, ecosystem services payments, circularity indicators (UNI11820), and green public procurement.
ART-ER partner, with the support of Focus Groups, defines a toolkit, adaptable to local wood supply chain needs, that considers various wood types, buildings, stakeholders, and territory features.
Focus Groups, involving timber companies (supported by FederlegnoArredo), forest owners, building companies, certification bodies, and more, analyse the features of each tool and their potential to exploit opportunities and answer to a local supply chain needs.
The Innovation Lab highlights the opportunities of valorisation based on sustainability items referable to the different phases of the supply chain, from the forest management to the final product.
Image ©Miran Kambič