Liguria Region, in collaboration with University of Genoa, organises an innovative workshop on New European Bauhaus (NEB) approach for the renovation of a social housing building and its open areas in Imperia– a coastal city of Liguria region - owned by Azienda Territoriale Regionale per l'Edilizia (ARTE) Imperia, allocated to elder and fragile people.
At least thirty people who successfully attended webinars, selected on the basis of the results of the Webinars assessment, participate to the Innovation Lab for NEB places.
The co-creative activities involve:
1. Artists, professionals, craftsmen, and social inclusion experts for a cross-fertilization approach and sparkling brainstorming, in a 1-day workshop on field
2. A technical workshop with 30 professionals, introducing the pilot area and the NEB compass methodology.
3. Two participatory LABs in Imperia, engaging residents and co-developing project ideas with design groups.
Facilitators and NEB Compass experts from the Liguria Region organise and lead the workshops, where actors can cooperate to gain new insights and generate new ideas on how to best improve living conditions in Liguria.
This activity is based on previous experiences as the launch of the NEB Challenge 2023, an expression of interest envisioned to collect ideas from within the Ligurian territory guided by the NEB Compass and external experts, where the empowerment and capacity building process was carried out in a series of workshops.
To select participants for the co-design program, which is also open to master’s degree students, two calls for expressions of interest have been launched (deadline: December 31, 2024). These calls target two categories of applicants: INNOVATORS and TECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS.
- Expression of Interest for INNOVATORS: This call is open to individuals engaged in fields such as design, craftsmanship, art and culture, territorial development, and social innovation.
- Expression of Interest for PROFESSIONALS and TECHNICAL EXPERTS: This call is intended for professionals and technical experts (e.g., architects, engineers, agronomists, forestry technicians) who have completed the BeWoodEN project webinars available on FormaGenova.
How to Participate
INNOVATORS: If you are active in design, craftsmanship, art and culture, territorial development, or social innovation, you can find more details about the dedicated call by downloading the file and submitting your application through the provided form.
PROFESSIONALS and TECHNICAL EXPERTS: If you are a professional or technical expert in construction or landscape fields (e.g., architect, engineer, agronomist, or forestry technician), you can find more details about the dedicated call by downloading the file and submitting your application through the provided form.
Image ©Cecilia Moggia