Winter School Florence 2025 *
Winter School, hosted by the University of Florence, offers three days for going in-depth about characteristics of wood and its actual behaviour in timber construction, through hands-on activities. It will include laboratory experiences covering the following:
- practical tests for the microscopic and macroscopic identification of wood;
- observing of shrinkages and swellings of wood;
- identification and measurements of wood characteristics influencing strength;
- non-destructive testing on wood; application on new/existing wooden members;
- understanding visual and machine strength grading systems;
- mechanical tests on small, clear wooden specimens and on full-size beams;
- identification of the main biotic attacks and alteration on wood.
Dates 28, 29, 30 January 2025.
Venue Laboratories are located in Via San Bonaventura 13 Florence (
Visit The period includes a visit to the TimberLab company in Bibbiena (AR), engaged in innovative wood transformation processes.
Participants Maximum number 20
Selection Participants are selected among those who have completed the 8 webinars organised by the University of Florence, available on the FormaGenova platform module 3 ( The selections will be made on the basis of the score totalled in the questionnaires provided at the end of the webinars and, in the event of equal scores, preference will be given to the youngest participants. The selection process will close on December 20th 2024 at 1:00 PM.
Conditions The University of Florence will bear part of the costs of accommodation and food.
*Note: the programme may be subject to change

Study visit at the University of Primorska – InnoRenew CoE Slovenia *
Dates 17, 18, 19 February 2025 (
17/02 Travel and dinner
18/02 9:00 Welcome
9:15 Specific of designing timber buildings
10:15 Moisture control during service life
11:15 Wooden facades
12:15 Engineered wood products for construction
14:00 Tour of the laboratories and building
19/02 8:00 Departure of Izola
10:30 Visit of CLT production
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Departure to Italy
Participants Maximun number 20
Selection Participants are selected among those who have completed the webinars available on the FormaGenova platform module 2 ( The selections will be made on the basis of the score totalled in the questionnaires provided at the end of the webinars and, in the event of equal scores, preference will be given to the youngest participants. Selections will be made in December 2024.
Conditions The University of Primorska will bear part or all of the costs of accommodation. Antoher partner of the project will provide a bus for travelling from Italy and back
*Note: the programme may be subject to change

Innovation Lab on valorization of environmental performances in the wood supply chain*
Focus group with experts for developing a toolkit aimed at improving the competitiveness of wood supply chain in Building sector, based on environmental and climate performances improvement
Period October 2024 – February 2025
Participants Experts
Selection invited by ART-ER on the basis of institutional roles and knowledge.
Conditions ART-ER will bear the costs of lunch
Workshop aimed to present the toolkit elaborated by Focus groups
Period March 2025
Participants 20
Selection Participants are selected among those who have completed the webinars available on the FormaGenova platform module 2 ( The selections will be made on the basis of the score totalled in the questionnaires provided at the end of the webinars and, in the event of equal scores, preference will be given to the youngest participants. Selections will be made in February 2025.
Conditions ART-ER will bear the costs of lunch
*Note: the programme may be subject to change